A groundbreaking study led by a team of experts including Halbert Bai, Vishal Gokani, Jason B. Storch, Pavel Kibrik, Faisal Aziz, Ulka Sachdev, Eri Fukaya, Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar, Andrea T. Obi, and Windsor Ting, aimed to shed light on the relationship between anatomic distribution and treatment outcomes. This research provides valuable insights into the comparison of below-the-knee (BTK) and above-the-knee (ATK) varicose vein treatments.
Investigating Treatment Outcomes
The study, which involved 13,731 patients undergoing varicose vein ablation for BTK or ATK lesions, analyzed outcomes using patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and the Venous Clinical Severity Score (VCSS). It compared continuous variables through statistical analysis and used multivariable logistic regression to estimate the odds of improvement after treatment, considering factors such as age, gender, race, preoperative VCSS composite score, and history of deep vein thrombosis.
Surprising Findings
Patients who underwent below-knee treatment showed a lower preoperative VCSS composite and PROs composite scores compared to those receiving above-knee treatment. However, postoperatively, those with below-knee interventions displayed a higher postoperative VCSS composite score, approaching statistical significance in PROs composite scores. Patients who received above-knee treatment demonstrated more improvement in both composite VCSS and PROs scores.
Significant Implications
The study revealed that the treatment region significantly impacts patient outcomes after varicose vein interventions. While BTK treatments showed milder symptoms preoperatively, the postoperative results painted a different picture, with less improvement in VCSS and PROs scores. This discovery highlights the unique challenges posed by BTK interventions compared to ATK interventions in ensuring commensurate clinical improvement post-treatment.
This research, led by Halbert Bai, Vishal Gokani, Jason B. Storch, Pavel Kibrik, Faisal Aziz, Ulka Sachdev, Eri Fukaya, Cassius Iyad Ochoa Chaar, Andrea T. Obi, and Windsor Ting, offers a deeper understanding of the varicose vein treatment landscape and the factors affecting patient outcomes.
To delve into the complete research, visit the publication here.
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